jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

..::Integrated thinking model from the Iowa Department of Education::..

Main Ideas

*Most comprehensive and rational model available for describing critical, creative and complex thinking. 

*Speculating and wondering
*Creative thinking:
- Information by relating it to personal experiences or building an idea
-Expanding adding details, modifying, extenting ideas, by applyng them in a different context.
*Context - Creative
-Objetive and subjetive criteria
Folliwing steps:
 1) Identifying, recognizing
 2) Generating alternatives (hypothesizing, speculating)
 3) Assessing the consequenses (classifying, comparing/contrasting, causal relationships)
 4) Making a choice
 5) Evaluating the choices

Jonassen, David H. (1996). Computers in the classroom: Mindtools for critical thinking. Columbus, Ohio. Prentince Hall. 

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